Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What??? Are You Sure???

9 week ultrasound
Was Darin's response when I came out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test! and than asked how reliable a dollar store pregnancy test really is?? Needless to say we were both in total shock and it took us a few days (actually weeks)  to wrap our heads around the fact that we were going to be parents again! We kept the news to ourselves until after the ultrasound and told the boys with some fortune cookies that said: "A new little person will be joining the family" "A brother or sister what will it be?" & "You will no longer be the baby of the family" Degan was immediately excited and said he wants a sister! We'll see, a girl would be fun but we'll take what we get and we're good at making boys!!


Torrey said...

lol! Woohoo for another baby! It was definitely meant to be. :) We are so happy for you guys!

Katie Morgan said...

WOW!!! YEAH!!! and CONGRATS!!! So happy and excited for you. How the heck are you doing anyways.... :)