Saturday, March 24, 2012

Heart Words!

At the beginning of the year Mrs. Hammons challenged the kids to memorize 10 lists of heart words and those that made it she would take them to the scoop for an ice cream!! Every Friday they had to read a list and if they passed it off they would get the next list! Degan worked really hard going over his heart words every night and was so excited when he got list 10 and passed it off! He had them memorized so good that we could ask him what was on list #1 or #3 and he could tell us without looking at the paper what was on each of the lists! Today he got to meet Mrs. Hammons at Maverick and walk to the Scoop to get his ice cream!! and than he challenged everyone to a dance off in the middle of the street and apparently he won! Degan has learned a lot this year and we are so proud of him and how hard he worked to get an ice cream!

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