Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to the Books!!

Here we go again, back to the books!! The night before the big first day of school the boys couldn't sleep I think they were all nervous/excited! (especially Dillon) This year Dusty is excited to be in 1st grade because he gets to eat lunch at school!! He was even more excited when he showed up for the first day of school and found out Jesse Evans was in his class!! Degan is in 3rd grade this year! He's not as excited for school, he loves getting new stuff to wear to school!! Dillon had the biggest change of all the kids, going into the 6th grade. He is officially a middle schooler this year and switched from a buccaneer to a mustang!! I hope it's a great year for all my boys!!
P.S. We took Dillon out for ice cream before school started to have a chat about what was expected of him for the coming year because 5th grade was such a nightmare!!

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