Dillon has graduated from kindergarten! I can't believe the school year is already over, all the kindergarten kids did a cute program that morning and I found myself tearing up when the principal was talking, I had one of those my baby is getting so big moments! He had such a great year in Mrs. Hardy's class, making new friends and learning new things! Digging for worms on the playground! and Playing Freeze Tag with the Girls! I think he was a little sad the year was over cause the week before he told me he was going to miss his school and even some of the girls and I told him he was going back to the same school next year he would just have a different teacher, and he said he didn't want a new teacher he wanted to go back to Mrs. Hardy's class cause he liked it so much!! We're so proud of Dillon for being such a good student!
OK so I have a couple funny stories about my Degan Boy, #1-He's experiencing a bit of DS RAGE when he plays Super Mario Brothers, he gets upset if he dies or if the Koopa Troopa guy kills him and than he'll pass his DS off to Dillon, Darin or I to pass levels for him but if we die he gets mad at us and yanks the DS out of our hands, it's hard not to laugh at him and now I'm limiting his playing time to see if that helps! #2-Degan was playing with some kids and when he got home he begins telling on himself and tells me he hit a kid and I begin the old that's not nice speech and he says: but mom they were hitting my brother, so than I change and give the if your defending your brother it's OK speech!! I don't condone hitting in anyway but hey I'm glad my boys are watching out for each other! isn't that what big brothers are for?? We love your attitude (sometimes)
Dustin-Dustin-Dustin a lot has changed in the last 6mo. He will officially be a year and a half this month, we all know what that means- yay for nursery!! (we'll see if he'll stay) I've always said that every stage has it's plus's and minus's some of the minus's are: his need to climb on the table when anyone is eating and than proseeds to try and eat what ever that person is eating and makes a HUGE mess (yes this happens at least once a week if not more!), his need to pull out all the pots,pans, & tupperware and scatter them all over the house (hair bands aren't the best baby proofing method they eventually break!), He has discovered where the garbage is and checks on it numerous times a day and when it gets full enough and he spots food (Yes he's a garbage picker and eats stuff out of the garbage), He is fascinated with the toilets, I tell the boys over and over to keep those doors shut but somehow one is always left open and you guessed it he's splish splashing around and I can't always guarantee that it's been flushed (OHHHHH) but on the other hand some of the plus's: He loves his brothers and will go in and wake them up if he's the first one awake (Dillon hates it but Degan pops up and happily says: HI Dusty Boy), He likes to race and will stand by the wall at the end of our hallway and say:Ready-Set-GO! and take off as fast as he can! (he's getting ready for the Bundy Reunion!), When we drive around in the car he points out the window and says: what dat mom?, He already loves to watch TV with his brothers! he sits through full episodes of Sid the science kid, Barney & The magic school bus (I know probably not the best thing to be proud of but hey 30 minutes to myself is awesome), He can go up and down the stairs by himself!, and finally it cracks Darin & I up but we can't understand his gibbering but when we tell him to go get his shoes, or get a diaper, or throw something away he does it and knows right where to go!! We love this kid and can't wait for the next stage!!
what cute boys we love them too, but they are growing up to fast.
Can you believe how fast time flies? They are so cute. Your house looks freaking awesome!
It's all going by way to fast for me too! Cute boys!!
You always have the funniest stories!! Yay for nursery, I can't wait!
We totally need to get our kids together to play. My boys would love it! Seriously give me a call one of these days.
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