Dillon all DC'd out for his first day of school!
Dillon survived his first day of first grade! the night before he was a little nervous but excited at the same time (mostly excited to eat in the cafeteria!) and I must say I was feeling the same way, it was a little strange to have him gone all day and I kept feeling like someone was missing and had to remind myself that he was at school and that he was OK!! He picked out his outfit the night before and had it all laid out on his bed so he could get up and get ready, he made his dad pack his lunch and fix him breakfast (he's such a daddy's boy) and than we took him to school, Darin said he walked right in the classroom hung up his backpack and went and sat at his desk and didn't even look back to say bye! I'm sure me taking him to cheek out the classroom and meet Mrs. May the Friday before helped a little. When we got him home and we asked how his day was he said it was AWESOME!! I'm so glad they switched him from Foster's to May's I think it's going to be a great year!!