This post is simply something I want my boys to remember. Dillon & Degan love to have sleepovers in our room! (Dustin still sleeps in our bed or I'm sure he'd join in on the fun) we have 2 crib mattress' that we keep stored under our bed and every once in awhile we'll pull them out and let the boys crash on our floor!! they love to sleepover in our room and have spent quite a few nights this summer on our floor! In the mornings I sometimes find them in crazy positions but on the morning in the picture I thought they looked so stinking cute I had to snap a pic! The years are zooming by so fast and I know the days are coming when they won't think it's fun to sleep on my floor, so I've got to enjoy it while it lasts!!
Oh my gosh that is SO sweet! You are so blessed to have such good sleepers!! I don't think I would get much sleep if my boys slept in my room!
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