Two Years ago on the 21st I became a mom for the third time!! I always said I would never have a baby in December, but you were a bit of a surprise!! Planned yes but I've never gotten pregnant the first month we started trying so you were a bit of a surprise!! When the time got closer to set a date for your arrival I hatched a plan to have you on the 21st, Dr
Lunt wasn't to crazy about the idea because you weren't due until the 4
th of January and 2 weeks early was way to early according to the Dr., so I gave him a sob story about living far away and NOT wanting to go into labor again. (I just don't think it's fair to have to do both) I also knew that your Aunt Angie would be working that weekend so we thought it would be cool for her to take care of us!! I somehow got Dr.
Lunt on board with my plan!! but only if he thought you were big enough. As the date got closer he said you would be fine to be born at 38
wks. so the office scheduled me for a C-section on the 21st at 7 a.m (6 a.m NV time) and said the hospital would contact me the day before with all the details. So on the afternoon of the 20
th we left Dillon &
Degan with Granny & Papa and Dad and I went on one last date and stayed at Grandma Smith's. Dad took me to the stupidest movie I've ever seen I think it was called "No Country for Old Men" during the movie I started getting nervous cause the hospital hadn't called yet and it was getting late, after the movie we went to the Olive Garden and still no call, It's a good thing we have connections because Dad called your Aunt Angie and she talked to the nurses and had one call me to give me all the details. I felt much better after that!! We than headed to Grandma's for the night, I didn't sleep very well, I was so excited to be done being pregnant and to meet you! Things ran very smooth as far as delivery, we had an awesome Dr. and nurses but our favorite was our recovery nurse by far!! Welcome to the Family Dusty Boy!- Life with 3 boys should be very interesting!!