Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Grandma Smith is the best!

10-17-13 (Grandparents Day) My mom thought she was going to get out of going to grandparents day this year but we decided to not let her off the hook so we moved back and her she is again!! So happy she never disappoints these boys they look forward to having breakfast with her every year! It's just a bonus that she spoils them and buys them stuff at the book sale!!

10-19-13 (yard sale & sick kid) Jim & Carla were having a yard sale so she told Dillon & Bailee to make a bunch of treats & hot chocolate to sell to help raise some money to get to Sea Camp! (We decided that they each needed to raise $100 to make one of the payments) It was hot so the hot coco didn't sell very well and I guess most people don't like to help kids raise money because we ended up having to move locations down by the dollar store and going door to door to get rid of all the treats!! I'm glad we made them work to get there so maybe they will enjoy the trip a little more!!
During the day I had to take Degan to the doctors because he was complaining that his throat hurt and I could see white spots on his glands and sure enough he had strep throat. Poor thing was in so much pain.

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