Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fair Time!

Dustin with his class! apparently him & Keith are good buddies this is how they walked around the fair!!
This year we decided since we were back in the valley we would do two days instead of our usual one!! Big mistake all they did was complain how bored they were the second day because we only bought them one ride pass and they used it on Thursday (poor things - NOT!)

Thursday: Degan & Dusty got in with their classes so that saved us $14! Darin & I helped with Dusty's class and the older boys went to the rides with their friends! Dillon buddied up with Zach and we didn't see him until it was time to go! Degan was with Canyon at first than with his crew later on. Darin had six boys he was in charge of at one point!! Dustin had a blast riding rides with Taiven, they went on a few rides I thought would scare them but they would get off and run right back on! Dax was a stinker and wanted to ride the rides so bad but he was to short for the rides, but I ran into a friend who told me to just carry him into the rides and put him on them and the carnies would never know! so that's what we did after LeAnn gave me Trig's bracelet when they left, so we ended up selling the ride pass we had bought for Dax!!

Friday: We went in time to take Degan to watch the break dancers perform, they have a section where they call a kid out of the audience and of course Degan got picked!! Degan totally rocked it, the guy was impressed with his moves and his handstand! Than at the end of the show they let all the kids go up on the stage and Dax wanted to go up but once he got up there he wouldn't do anything, so one of the guys stood behind him and moved his arms for him, it was so funny!! After that we met up with Granny & Papa and let the kids do the rock wall or the bungee jumpy thingy and ate! we didn't stay long the kids were complaining about being bored!
Thursday photos

Friday photos

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