Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Program

Afternoon Kindergarten
Little Indian Boys I guess it's tradition for the kindergarten to do a little Thanksgiving Program, It was so cute to see all the kids dressed up as Pilgrims & Indians, they did a good job singing all the songs. Dillon was excited for his Dad to see him do the Indian dance, he kept telling Darin I'm gonna do a dance in the program but I can't show you now so it'll be a surprise!! I could tell he was excited for that part to come cause he had the biggest grin and was skipping extra high to show off for his Dad. Dillon also liked his costume and asked me: Do you think Mrs. Hardy will let me keep my costume so I can wear it for the next Halloween??? Good Job Dillon We Love You


Annette Jones said...

wish we could of seen your program dillon but i know you were great we love you

BallerinaBiker said...

So darn cute! Aw, I'm wishing my kids were Buccaneers!